Dance Trajetory página em português Rocio Infante

Rocio Infante Choreographer, dancer, dance teacher and body trainer pionner in somatic education in Brasil.
From 1985 to 1987 Extension course at Nikolais/Louis Foundation for Dance in New York in choreography, composition and improvisation. Course in Lighting Design at Nikolais School and Body Light for Alwin Nikolais Dance Company in N.Y.
Graduated in Physical Education, at Faculdades Integradas do Brasil-UniBrasil. Postgraduated in Body Preparation in Performing Arts at Faculdade Angel Vianna R.J.
1980/81 course in Modern Dance at Joffrey Ballet and Alvim Ailey. From 1985 to 1989 studied at Martha Graham School, Merce Cunningham, Alexander Technique with Joel Kendall, Classical Ballet with Zvi Gotheiner, Jennifer Muller Technique and Contemporary Dance with Sara Pearson.
Has been developing a body work on movement research based on Alexander Technique, Alwin Nikolais Technique, Indian Guarani Culture, Aikido, Jennifer Muller and Klein Technique. Has been Teaching Somatic Education, Modern Dance, all over Brasil, including Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Curitiba.
Choreographed and taught for the Ballet Morozowicz School, Triade Dance School in Curitiba, Teatro Brasileiro de Dança, directed by Clarisse Abujamra and Val Folly, Ballet Stagium in Sao Paulo, Faculdade Angel Vianna, as a Teacher Assistant at Unirio in Rio de Janeiro.
2020 to 2022 Colaborating and work as Teacher Assistant for Alberto Del Saz in Alwin Nikolais Brasil, partnership with Nikolais/Louis Foundation For Dance in New York, receiving collaboration from Claudia Pinto.
During the pandemic time produced, choreographed and performed in 2 dance videos.
Residuo (pares no lixo e no luxo), directed by Lu Grimaldi, with Mario da Silva
Bicicleta em Movimento with Gabriela Velasco, Mario da Silva in the guitar, collaboration with Maria Carolina Werneck and André Roman. This work was screening in official selection and nominee for Best Choreography Movie of the Argentinian Film Festival and will be screening in Portugal at Gandaia Studios, October 16th.
Organized Modern Dance Courses on line and Two Presencial Courses of Nikolais/Louis Technique taught by artistic director of Nikolais/Louis Foundation Alberto Del Saz.
Has been working in a research group of Rizoma Somatic Education.
1982 Co-Founder of UAIC (Union of Contemporary Independent Artists in Parana).
1990 Founded Tempo Dance Company, working as a choreographer and producer for Tempo Arte Ltda.
Rocio Infante has been receiving musical compositions for her choreographies by André Abujamra, Milton Nascimento, Carmo Bartoloni, Sergio Albach, Joao Jose Felix Pereira, Octavio Camargo, Mario da Silva and Stefano Tartini (this last one in the city of New York), Mario Ferraro, Preludio 21, Alexandre Schubert, Julie Wein.
1993 Received fellowship by Vitae Fellow, American Consulate for the ADF (American Dance Festival).
2003 Directed the dance documentary “UM OLHAR SOBRE A DANÇA” (A LOOK AT DANCE) released at Cinemateca of Curitiba, Espaço Brasil Telemar in Rio de Janeiro for Dance in Focus, and at the International Dance Documentary Festival in Argentina (Buenos Aires).
During her career as a dancer and choreographer, she received criticism of her costume design, choreography, and performance from the New York Times, Dance Pages N.Y. Magazine and Gazeta do Povo (main newspapper in Parana State), and the daily newspaper El Pais, Uruguay Montevideo.
Performed as a dancer: Ballet Morozowicz, Val Folly and Partners, TBD (Brazilian Dance Theater, SP), Sara Pearson Dance Company, Suzan Heffer and B.Muse dance Theater in N.Y.
2005 With the work “Abraço de Câmara” (Chamber Embrace), interact with the musician Mário da Silva, performed for Funarte Dance at Cacilda Becker Theatre RJ, Paraná, Santa Catarina, São Paulo.
2006 New York, at Hunter College, in Rome at the Festival dei Flamini, and in Milan at Ibrit.
2012 under the supervision of Jennifer Muller (Hybrid / Crescent Body) performed in NY.
2015 Residuo, direct by Lu Grimaldi, with Mario da Silva performed at FestSouth, Hattiesburg MI,
2016 The New School/ Mannes College (NYGSM)
2010-12 Supporting cast for TV Broadcast Rede Globo in Brazil, show "Dalva de Oliveira” directed by Denis Carvalho, soup opera “Escrito nas Estrelas” and “I Love Paraisópolis” working as a choreographer directed by Carla Bohler. Worked in Body Preparation for actors and for plays.
2016 to 2018 Directed, choreographed and performed in the Coletivo Imprevistos showing at Modernists Gallery, Choreographic Center (RJ), Casa Quintal (RJ), Barracão EnCena (Curitiba), Museu do Mar ( RJ).
2019, performed her own choreography Elogio de La Danza written by Cuban composer Leo Brouwer at The New York Guitar Seminar, The New School with guitarist Mario da Silva and with the dancer Isadora Almeida.
Nowadays is teaching at Ballet Manguinhos in Rio de Janeiro and choreographing a piece “Crying Mothers” for the show “Meu nome é Favela” having as an assistant Maria Carolina Werneck.
As a writer
Corpo Movimento Dança (Body Movement Dance), Ed. Unicentro 2010
Corpo Movimento Dança (Body Movement Dance), 2nd Ed. 2017
Educação Somática e Seus Pioneiros no Brasil - Volume II
(Somatic Education in Brazil - Pioneers. (One article). Ed. Juruá, 2020.
Imaginação liberada, um processo de aprendizado da arte corporal: Conexões e extensões corporais à movimentação enquanto ação cênica.
(Free Images, a process of learning body art: Connections and extensions to movement as a scenic action). Ed. Embap, 2007
Técnica de ALexander e o violonista: A Educação Somática, a Técnica de Alexander como influências do movimento organizacional, às Práticas Corporais na área da música, (Alexander Technique and the Guitarist: Somatic Education, Alexander Technique as Influences of Organizational Movement, Body Practices in the Music Area) Ed. Embap, 2008
Other webpages by Rocio Infante
Rocio Infante Youtube Channel. More than 35 videos

If you wanna talk about art, movement and other issues please send a message